Days are quite enchanting with temperatures getting back to being normal after hitting people with the coldest of nights.Nevertheless I felt these cold nights were better than the cold thoughts that have been crippling my mind since times immemorial yet the cure for it quite often lay in places undermined by time.Oh yeah talking about time ,it is hauntingly beautiful you see.It can grant you the grandest of dreams in this moment yet can devour you off everything in the very next.It can redeem you off the miserable images yet can torment you that a glimpse is forgotten.
writing this I wonder when did I get so much poetic and deep,
May be these thoughts are the signs of me getting old in society's way of thinking where as me becoming wise in my point of view.

As I lay on my bed every night , I keep thinking If I ll be able to pull off my exam this time . Though the answer that I always end up with is "No" . I would force myself into "Yes" watching the longest motivational videos of all times only to end up with a headache and wake up like a Panda.

Mornings are wonderful travelling to reading room, but after reaching there starts the real trouble . Every kind of emotion left on earth is experienced there.Wanting to read , Wanting to sleep, Wanting to complete my book , Wanting to become the next president,Wanting to learn Kung Fu and hit someone badly yet end up reading academics and drinking cups and liters of tea and coffee to forget this pursuit of wantings.

Evenings get deadly when brain really cant take anymore stuff no matter how much I read so I end up going on walk only to be thought as insane by the other great students.Well why is there so much struggle for one simple day. Is it because I am escaping from my own self or is it something more. 
when I cant clear this very doubt I had to ask for help from a far away friend to shower some peace inside and then I get this reply like a full moon in the darkest night.

 "Someday all the pieces will fall together again,
  Someday the best will happen
  Someday you will love yourself again." 

 May be confused but more content than ever , I ended up writing this Deep Shit.

"Leave your troubles to the stars 
 For they are watching over u every night
 They shall pass it onto the sky when they cannot hide."
"Leave it to the Sea
  For they have known depths for far too long 
 They shall pass it onto the trees when they cannot hide."

Because Nature Cures when mankind fails and its okay to be crazy sometimes ;) 

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