Memoir- Winter and Wedding 2019

The Year has almost reached its end and I already regret so many things that happened and so many resolutions that didn't. Nothing truly bothers me as much as the words unsaid ,things unattended and the stories that are left unfinished. But sometimes surprises do come once in a while just to remind you that things dont really go as they are planned and just like that a surprise really did happen this year that shook everything and left me confused and that's my wedding. I know doesn't sound that fancy to some while the others may be thinking WTF !!but for me it was the time to go crazy and leave this planet for aliens!LOOL OWWW ...

Though at first I was cynical about it and complained and fought, I must tell you all this that if I didn't say Yes I would have regretted it my whole life because he is such one in a lifetime person. Oh Oh dont get me wrong , He aint that DDLJ prince or Mr Flynn Rider from The Tangled. Its Just he has his own version of life that really is silent and funny. The First time I met him was when he came along with his family to see me. The nerves were high then and I wasn't prepared. I was not sure what to talk but wanted to tell so many things at the same time.

Career, Future,When nadal will retire?, Is Apocalypse really true! why cant it just happen now , Is Ricky Martin really gay?Like seriously Gay!
but then I chose to remain silent. Suddenly when he came to me to speak, everything around fell silent and my mind clogged with fear and I literally wanted to sprint from there to win the Gold Medal in Olympics just like Mr Usain Bolt did. Though I also felt like an insane girl whose mind always kept talking inside .I sshhhhed it soon and decided to take the mighty responsibility of initiating the conversation and my first words were


That was what I spoke. Shoot! I should have just introduced myself and should have asked about him , What The fish did I just do, OMG Dad is gonna kill me !I am so dead. Something inside my mind just kept chattering.

and then came his reply slowly but confidently 

Only Hyderabad? or "like any places in the North like The Pune or Delhi"

Wooow he didn't seem surprised.The chatter box in my mind became silent now and the career mode got activated again that I spoke more confidently and I replied a rather more diplomatically clearing my throat like this.

"Well I think I still do not have those survival skills to live in the  North Yet, So I choose only south! which includes Bangalore and Chennai as well" I said vehemently like my life was on the line.

"Fine. I dont have a problem." He replied very simply.

and then it hit my mind like wait" Is it going to be this simple? Aint it supposed to be a bit complicated. Should I make it more interesting " Apparently as I was thinking this stuff he just left very casually without much discussion

Unable to comprehend what just happened I just remained silent . To be precise I was terrified that he spoke very less.

But then there was also something else which I noticed as I re winded the scenario once again in my mind ; a gentle reminder that he was equally terrified and confused since he needs to deal with me for the rest of his life and that its the same for him as it was for me. 

The time has come to say a Yes or No 

Dear Readers before telling you my decision

let me tell you something which might become handy when your time to decide will come and it was quoted by my favorite writer in my favorite book and it reads like this ,

"You're the one who has to live with your choice.Everyone else will get over it and move on no matter what you decide.But you never will."

The decision wasn't easy especially when my whole life till now wasn't much great but a failure and career being incomplete with me pursuing my foolish dream. So all I could think of was what did I achieve so much to get married and be with him. Especially he who graduated from a reputed college like NIT Trichy , how could I even think about being his wife with this incomplete career.So the next day I immediately booked a ticket to Hyderabad and decided to join a Firm so I can get busy in work and forget about what happened. The Job demanded sacrifice.The New Office somehow felt better.Like each time I worked on something especially Tax I felt happy. I just drowned myself into it even though it was stressful.It felt like a different dimension completely away from the regular noise.Sometimes I think this happiness to work is the only reason that is letting me hold onto this profession despite failing miserably each time .Days passed with each day dad asking me to come back to meet him once again. So after around 15 days I went back to Vizag again to meet him. It was scary but something about him felt soothing this time and that was his non judgmental eyes. The second time I met him was at his aunt's house. We spoke to each other while taking a walk. It was brief.No deep talk just some random shit which I dont even remember today. Dad was happy now that I came back to meet them , I knew inside there cannot be a better person than him. They give immense importance to my education and liked me in spite of my incomplete career. The date was decided and venue was set.So I worked for a month and came back to vizag. Well if you are not married yet then let me give you a briefing about the Indian marriage rituals. Things here are quite complicated. From shopping to photography and to all the rituals involved ,everything needs a precise timing. which is so called Muhurtham in my native. and lemme tell you that writing about how the Harvard captured the black Hole was more  easy than explaining how weddings happen in India . Its just complicated . I mean you have to meet this aunt and that uncle and do things that dont make sense at all.
Luckily in my case both me and Tarun understand the irony of Indian weddings so we just enjoyed it by making memes out of them. That's the best part of him he can make memes out of any stuff. Trust me you would die laughing at em.Though sometimes it seems scary I mean this marriage thing. Thinking about how stuff works between two strangers who never met each other or never known each other. It gives immense satisfaction just to know that its equally scary to the other person as well. Jeong Hyeonjong rightly said that marriage is just having a visitor but the permanent one this time.

A Visitor 
Meeting someone in life is 
something that's actually astonishing 
That's because he brings himself with him 
his past, present and future .
That's because someone's whole life comes along.
The heart is fragile therefore, it must have been broken.
That heart is coming, too...
       ------Jeong Hyeonjong (2009)

And beware the other person's heart is also coming with him. Just like ours
My bestfriend Preeti ofcourse was not so delighted at first, hearing about the news, since we were so much close and attached to each other that we almost planned a gay wedding for us someday if we cant find the right guys for us. But later we pretty much laughed together thinking how early I am getting married and that now she has to find someone too since I am already taken. But the best part which I can never forget about her is how she was there with me all these years through all those difficult times , through all the fights we had yet stuck together on my wedding . She just turned me into a beautiful bride with her own hands. God bless those two hands of her which created such a beauty out of myself that I have never seen in me before. I guess sometimes its true that you dont need a handful of friends if you just have that one right person. 

And that's how, on one fine November Night the wedding saga came to an end and my marital status changed.Can you believe it, I can now fill the "When is your anniversary?" question each time I visit a restaurant!Loll 
But the most irritating question Trust me which I have been asked and which might be asked to you all was "So where are you guys planning to go?" 
I just wanted to tell them all "Well to Andaman Jail ! You want to join us too !!!!!??" 
But I have to tell you all something

Even after so many preparations of course it will not be easy to live a completely new life . But as long as there are people accepting you as you are and as long as you are ready to embrace the change and accept the love you are showered there wont be any problems. In my case I am gifted with the best people I can ever get .I am not saying I will live happily ever after this wedding but I will definitely work hard to make every possible day as best as I can . Just Day by Day.  

Dear Readers
"I hope you read some fine books
and kiss someone who thinks you're
and dont forget to make some art- 
write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can."


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