Diaries of 2017

The title might sound a little negative but that was the only positive name I could think of , 
Yes this New Year I am not gonna hope but will just let things happen. I am not gonna sit and write those resolutions which will only increase the bucket list of my incompleteness.
This New Year I want it to be just like the last one and the ones before.
Though all those years weren't much merry, they introduced me a lot of stories and the souls behind who were beautiful, sad and funny.

These years taught me to celebrate life for its hardships  for its tranquility for its nobility and above all  for its beauty and when I saw this celebration with my own eyes I have decided and wished to live long  until my face shows the signs of wrinkles and my eyes could no longer read but still live happily with the people I love till the end of days.With each passing year life never stopped surprising me
2017 is one such year which is close to my heart
Where spring blossomed comforting the dark
Where rains fell covering the scars 
Where Autumn gave hope with its falling leaves 
and Winter awakening the soul and wind
I thank the music that blessed me to be happy and those stars for telling me that something beautiful is always there in the dark only if you look.
So this New Year I am gonna sit and do my part and let the things happen in the way they are meant to.I just wish the world  would become less silent in those lands of war.I wish for cherry blossoms instead of ash and dust so that those who no longer remember how to smile can smile again.

This year keep dreaming 
This year be strong like you always did 
This year love more than you can
Because this year there is no hoping, there is only happening 
Let your actions stand for you instead of your hopes.

Love from the Writer :)

Pic Source: https://www.yaoyaomavanas.com/

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