This Christmas I want to remember them

Because I cannot stop the war I want my words to be there.The last 60 years have suffered their share of crises from Vietnam to Rwanda to Afghanistan to Syria.This Christmas I have these children in mind who are fighting for their lives in the tent camps.Will they ever be out of this dangerous web. With so much suffering and desolation around them will they be able to know that this is Christmas time .

Second one #ThisChristmas

This Christmas I want to remember that time,
Where I once had a garden,
with roses that are red and sky pale blue.
Where mother cooked love and father spread life
Where sister loved pink and little brother his toy.

This Christmas I want to miss,
The days I spent my childhood in streets,
The days I chose to run with bare feet,
The days I loved someone too deep,
and the day I waved her good bye till sleep.

This Christmas I want to smile,
Even when sisters died and mother killed,
Even when twigs remained instead of trees,
Even after father died and brother left behind.

This Christmas I want to spend caring,
For those who no longer remained the same,
For those who cannot return to their sane,
and for those who lost their brother to the game.

This Christmas I want to go back in time,
Even when the dark conquered
banishing the bright,
Even where the roots I belonged no longer remained,
Even when only dust remained instead of doors,
I want to go back to that land and I want to kiss my sand.

This Christmas I am gonna believe again
Gonna force myself to live again
Hoping to become friendlier with time.
I wish to meet my friends in time
Whether as those far away stars
or the waves of the ocean
Whether as the bells of death
or sounds of war.
As I lay on the grass staring at the sky.
I am wishing on this snow to melt their hearts someday


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