The Wrath of Time and the Warmth of Books

The fear that winter is on the move is disconsolate enough that I ended up with a flu fever, The wrath of Exams is really discomforting every year. but with friends and the promising arrival of spring all the heat within me withered away.Though the nights seem to get  darker again, the moon and its light, though sometimes red and sometimes bright looks promising of the bright days ahead.The best part these days is the time I spend alone reading ; when I am tired of my subjects , Fandoms come to my rescue.Lately I have started this book "I , Coriander " by Sally Gardener and it is brilliant so far. The first page itself captivated me and stole my heart away and it read like this 

" In loving memory of an Irreplaceable friend Maria Bjornson:

The World we live in is nothing more than a mirror that reflects another world below its silvery surface, a land where  time is but a small and unimportant thing, stripped of all its power.

                                                      I hope to meet you there.  "                           


Hauntingly Beautiful ! Didn't expect anyone to describe the wrath of time and loss this lovely and I hope to meet some too in an other world in an other dimension where the time is stripped of its power and no memory will turn to  rust.A world where I would be able to express more freely.If someone literally asks me what are you scared of most ? My answer definitely would be time because you see I do not cling to people I cling to their memories and I am scared to death that one day all that needs to be remembered will be forgotten and that, time will steal away everything until no one remembers what has happened. I am scared of this shit since times immemorial but now I have come to terms that the ultimate power of time cannot be rebelled against and may be because of these thoughts I am in love with the writer's work.But my favorite part of the book read like this 

"We are but shadows that have a short time dancing in the light; we live to die, we die to live eternally.There never was one as lovely as thee . Go free , my love , and one day we may be together again, said my father, tears running down his face."

where I felt she definitely knows the loss.Words you see I think are the greatest treasure one can get of this life .

and in the right moment released the last part of The Maze Runner Series ;  "The Death Cure" and like always I went alone to watch my fandom. The best part of watching a movie alone is that its like you are wandering in the woods on a breezy day with the sound of the crickets, chirping of the birds , rustling of the wind and much more beauty around.
I can laugh hard, I need not be embarrassed that a tear fell down and can mourn silently when my favorite character dies because to be human is to express the freedom of these emotions  and sometimes it is assuring to sit with strangers who know nothing of you .
and with one such  freedom of thought I  have learnt one thing for sure these days ; That in every Win , Sacrifice is inevitable, The Question is  How BIG? 

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