And the stars will lead us home.

Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels

If you are not from here then let me tell you dear, 
The summer here has almost ended with the dawn of gloomy rains.
Trees are sleeping early and the insects are finding shade.
Nights became colder and the days chilled with breeze.
Its like the mighty sun seems to rest
after scorching the days for long.
So beware dear one for the winter is on the move.
But I shall not lie to you about the stars I see tonight.
It looks like they shine the brightest during these cold dark nights that I ended up writing something just by looking at them.

Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels
One ,Two,Three....

I see them tonight.

Unusually many in the darkest of the nights.

I lay on my terrace awe-inspired by them,

For their beauty had begun far beyond my time.

Though they all looked away, away from each other.

I see tonight that they  have come together.

What a sight they are to heal the heavy!

Oh how lovely they are to relieve the pain! 

That this gentle breeze meanwhile 

melted this heart of mine.

That I let it fly freely

So it can touch them all tonight.


Here came the clouds covering all my hopes.

Why do they bother destroying all the souls,

Dont you dare try , to wrap my dear ones

Coz what is meant to shine 

will pierce its way out clear.


Good Luck dear one for the coming winter . Hope you make lots of  memories and do everything that makes you happy.

" My old grandmother always used to say, summer friends will melt away like summer snows,but winter friends are friends forever."
                                                                George RR Martin



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