All shall pass

    " You mustn't live so lightly,
       Spin your Stories, Tell your Tales,
       Let them dance across the Oceans 
       And set the wind upon your sails.
       For every truth found on your Travels
       And in the pits of your despair,
      Is a shout into forever
      of 'I existed', and 'I cared'."

Sitting here on the highest spot on my terrace I read my favorite poems and witnessed the glimpse of the setting sun.The breeze is unusually strong and the sun little dim. It did not have a good day perhaps or may be it has seen the ones who had a bad day, but still how calmly it carries on like nothing happened,like it was never a part of this life.

The sky seemed pale blue with white lines here and there.When I was a kid they told me that the lines are made by the rockets and I believed it for many years until one day when I waited to see how the rockets could draw such fine lines.I was sad when I found out that they were actually made by the aeroplanes. Now I can no longer say that I have seen rockets .The comfort a lie gives you can never be replaced by the strength of a truth, As I was pondering over these a sparrow came and perched on the wall in front. Someone said they were extinct long back, glad this one survived.A comforting truth that they aren't.

To Dear Sparrows

   May we be forgiven

For I am selfish to think about your existence and so I conspired with the world in destroying your existence by using cell phone and other stuff. May the little one forgives me .My mother came to collect her clothes that were left to dry.A peaceful presence.She asked me if I didn't find any other place to sit with sarcasm.I said the view is better here and she left.One of those few times where she left without complaining .May be she already knew how beautiful it is to sit here .I see a boy on the road walking back home from school.Shit! When did I grow up.The last time I went to school to study was seven years back.

"Life is unpredictable ,
It changes with the seasons,
even your coldest winter
happens for the best of reasons,
and though it feels eternal,
like all you'll ever do is freeze,
I promise spring is coming
and with it, brand new leaves."

As I sit and watch mother watering the plants, I complained that she loved her plants more than me.A room with beautiful walls and a balcony with lively plants and sometimes if you are blessed the stars appeared in the night.For some it might be plain but for me it is the grandest luxury I ever craved.At first I opposed the idea of growing plants in my balcony, sometimes I got too cranky and threw them out myself but mother always resisted and brought more.Though I vented my anger on them they supported me patiently and waited for me even when they weren't watered for long.Such selfless they were.My room had everything I wished for, Books, Quotes , Plants and Stars that I sometimes stayed indoor for far too long.

Last month when I visited Tirupathi, I had to travel alone in train.A girl in her regular pajamas came and sat beside me.She said she was travelling to her hometown Coimbatore after a karate tournament.She smiled at me gently and I greeted her with a smile before I got down and today I remembered her smile suddenly. What is this smile , this gesture that you acknowledge others presence . why did it give me immense happiness to see her smile.Over the years I was wondering how many faces I have smiled together with.I keep wondering whether the same smile is left with them still.One of the most cherished things of this life are these pure, untouched smiles that I got from all the stories I touched and quite often they came from such places which are quite invisible to a busy world.Of Course these days I am smiling a lot more thanks to Tuchu. He started speaking lately .He calls me toti instead of choti and that brings a curve almost immediate.Lately he got a new friend which he cherishes to sleep with and he is DoDo the Dolphin .

One of his aunt missed him too much from the seas of Singapore that she sent him Mr DoDo to give company.The cutest stuffed Dolphin I have ever seen.He started to sleep with DoDo. They became friends and he never felt alone for he had million stories to tell and DoDo listened to him patiently uncomplained. In Life Patience is the best company one can have for it halts the about to bloom brawls and makes sure that life goes on smooth and quite often it makes the other person content as well.

The time will come 
when, with elation,
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror,
and each will smile at the other's welcome,

And say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was yourself.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,
the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.

Sit. Feast on your life.

Derek Walcott

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