Wisdom in daily life

Well the day started quite messed up as I arrived late to office.
Nevertheless it was all gone as the night came by .
Though I was searching for the signs of Winter in this city the spring within me didn't wanted to leave.
I busied myself with hectic tally entries to stay away for sometime but then this person came.
Old , weak and
feeble he looked , but the innocent smile on his face took away all other defectives that you just greet him
with a smile and by the way he's one of the best kidney surgeon in the city .Tired with a surgery he came
rushed to the office determined to complete his Income tax filing (For my ca friends it's Tax Audit 􀀀) but as he sat his mind felt the need to take a break. So he said "amma can we work on it after 15 min." He was swiping his mobile peacefully as if he is sitting on a lawn filled in green with no tomorrows to think about.
and then he spoke finally " I thought of doing many things in life but you see
I spend my whole day in the operation theater. I meet people, hear their pain and treat them with smile and compassion. Though it feels good I often miss my time alone. This fate is already written and I never rebelled against it ." Then I asked what if I want to rebel would you recommend me to or would you suggest me to be like you by accepting it.
He smiled and said "Only when you think you are the maker you can rebel ." 
Sometimes wisdom and life lessons are found in unknown small parts of the day .
These days everyday is like a treasure hunt ,The treasure being true happiness. I had good time with juniors messed up doubts , chai and biscuits. 
"Free ,Brave and Happy" -my heart has always been craving for these.
I have been in constant search but
I think I can see it now and quite surprised to find them in simple places and acts which I often ignored. Or may be you all too.


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